Title: Snively, S. K.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 142.

Keywords:injuries of the abdomenpenetrating wounds of the abdomenwounds of the livergunshot woundsrecoveries from shot wounds of the livergunshot wound of right hypochondriac regionball entered right of umbilicus, injured right lobe of liver, seat of lodgement undeterminedpainful hæmaturia, catheter introducedgunshot wound between seventh and eighth ribs near sternumshell wound of lower third of tibiadisability total

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e31536

TEI/XML: med.d2e31536.xml

CASE 330.—Sergeant S. K. Snively, Co. M, 13th New York Cavalry, aged 22 years, was wounded at Piedmont, Virginia, October 17, 1864. He was treated in the regimental hospital, and Assistant Surgeon J. F. Burdick, 13th New York Cavalry, gave, April 4, 1866, the following account of the case while in his charge: "Gunshot wound of the right hypochondriac region; a musket ball entered three inches to the right of the umbilicus; the direction was internal and toward the left and downward, injuring the right lobe of the liver; the seat of lodgement of the missile could not be determined, although it still remained in the body. The treatment consisted of the local application of compresses dipped in tincture of opium; morphia internally in large and frequent doses, alternated with tincture of veratrum viride. The patient suffered with nausea and retching, and had painful hæmaturia. A catheter was introduced into the bladder thrice daily." Records on file show that this patient was treated in regimental hospital, at Camp Relief, from March 31, 1865, to May 14, 1865. He was discharged at Alexandria, July 13, 1865, for "gunshot wound between the seventh and eighth ribs, near the sternum, and shell wound of lower third of tibia; disability total." He is a pensioner, and was last paid December 4, 1872.