Title: Gage, S. C.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 137.

Keywords:injuries of the abdomenpenetrating wounds of the abdomenwounds of the livergunshot woundscomplicated wounds terminated fatallydeath from secondary hemorrhagegunshot penetrating wound of chest and abdomenball entered side between seventh and eighth ribs, nearer spine than sternum, exited to inner side of nipple between fourth and fifth ribsliver wounded as well as lungbile discharged from entrance wounduncontrolled hæmorrhage

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e31521

TEI/XML: med.d2e31521.xml

CASE 435.—Private S. C. Gage, Co. C, 15th New Jersey, aged 28 years, was admitted to Finley Hospital, Washington, May 8, 1863, with a gunshot penetrating wound of the chest and abdomen, received at Chancellorsville on the 3d. A conoidal musket ball had entered at the right side between the seventh and eighth ribs, nearer to the spine than to the sternum. Its course was inward, upward, and forward; and its exit two and a half inches to the inner side of the right nipple, between the fourth and fifth ribs. The liver was wounded in its passage as well as a portion of the lung. Bile was discharged for several days from the lower or entrance wound. On May 12th, at eleven o'clock at night, uncontrollable hæmorrhage occurred, and death resulted in a short time, May 13, 1863. Assistant Surgeon William A. Bradley, U. S. A., reported the case.