Title: Ford, James
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 165.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e31461
TEI/XML: med.d2e31461.xml
CASE 513.—Private James Ford, Co. G, 10th Infantry, was wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. He was treated in the field till May 9th, then was transferred to Finley Hospital; on June 20th, to Christian Street Hospital, Philadelphia; on August 4th, to Turner's Lane Hospital; and, on September 18th, to the Citizens Volunteer Hospital. The case appears upon the records of these different hospitals as a "gunshot wound of the left shoulder," and, at Turner's Lane, a fracture of the left clavicle is noted. On September 26th, the patient was transferred to St. Joseph's Hospital, Central Park, New York, where the following notes appear in the case book: "The ball entered, while he was stooping, over the outer portion of the left clavicle, passed through the lung of the same side, and lodged in the region of the left kidney. It was extracted on the tenth day, together with fragments of fractured bone. After the injury occurred he had hæmaturia, which continued eight or ten days. He has had cough and hæmoptysis from the beginning. The examination made on admission to this hospital reveals the following facts: 'Dulness and tenderness on percussion on the left side; respiration feeble all over the left lung posteriorly, and, at some situations, is entirely absent; over the anterior portion of the lung there is heard an occasional subcrepitant râle and sibilant ronchus. No distinct evidences of a cavity present themselves; the urine contains albumen, granular uriniferous tube-casts, and blood corpuscles and pus globules in abundance.' October 10th, the hæmoptysis continues; the patient is failing in strength and becoming more emaciated. The treatment while in this hospital was quinine and aromatic sulphuric acid." This soldier was discharged from service October 16, 1863. Pension Examiner F. F. Burmeister, of Philadelphia, reported, June 18, 1866: "A minié ball fractured the left clavicle and passed out on the left side of the back. The pensioner suffers with pain in the shoulder and partial paralysis of the left arm, interfering with its use." He was last paid in June, 1873.