Title: Covell, H. J.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 921.

Keywords:wounds and injuries of the upper extremitieswounds and operations in the forearmshot wounds of the forearmcontusions and partial fracturespartial shot fractures of the bones of the forearmtreated by expectationwounded in forearmball entered posterior aspect of middle third of forearm, passed between ulna and radius, fractured radius, emerged oppositeadhesions of muscles rendered imperfect use of arm and handball injured ulnar nerve, ring and little fingers numbtendons of thumb adherent, imperfect power of grasping

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e31297

TEI/XML: med.d2e31297.xml

CASE 1855.—Major H. J. Covell, 6th Colored Troops, wounded in the right forearm, at New Market Heights, September 29, 1864, was sent to Fort Monroe, and thence to Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, and furloughed November 4th. On December 27th, he entered the Annapolis Hospital, and Hospital Surgeon B. A. Vanderkeift, U. S. V., reported: "The ball entered the posterior aspect of the middle third of the right forearm, passing between the ulna and radius, slightly fracturing the radius, and emerged opposite; the wound has healed, requiring no further treatment." Returned to duty January 2, 1865, and discharged April 25, 1865, and pensioned, Assistant Surgeon W. S. Codman, 107th Colored Troops, certifying that the wound produced "such adhesions of the muscles as to render the use of the arm and hand very imperfect." In September, 1873, Examiner W. M. Eames, of Ashtabula, certified that "the ball injured the ulnar nerve, so that the ring and little fingers are now numb, and the tendons of the thumb so adherent in the cicatrix that the power of grasping small objects is quite imperfect." This pensioner was paid September 4, 1875.