Title: McDavitt, C.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 910.

Keywords:wounds and injuries of the upper extremitieswounds and injuries of the elbow jointshot wounds of the elbow jointamputations at the elbow joint for shot injuryprimary disarticulationsgunshot fracture of armarm amputatedamputation for compound comminuted fracture of both bones of forearmflesh wound of legball caused compound comminuted fracture of forearm, required amputation at elbow jointwounded in calf of leg, injured muscles and tendons, he is lamefurnished with artificial limb, awkward and uselessamputation for gunshot fracture of forearm at elbow jointfurnished with artificial limb

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e31249

TEI/XML: med.d2e31249.xml

CASE 1836.—Private C. McDavitt, Co. K, 19th Massachusetts, aged 23 years, was wounded at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Assistant Surgeon V. R. Stone, of the regiment, recorded: "Gunshot fracture of arm; amputated. Transferred to General Hospital." Surgeon H. Bryant, U. S. V., recorded the man's admission to Lincoln Hospital, Washington, December 23d, with "amputation in consequence of compound comminuted fracture of both bones of right forearm by minié ball, and slight flesh wound of left leg." The patient was subsequently transferred to Lovell Hospital, Portsmouth Grove, whence he was discharged May 28, 1863, and pensioned. Examiner B. T. Shaw, of Boston, June 4, 1863, certified: "Was wounded by a ball which caused a compound comminuted fracture of his right forearm, which required amputation at the elbow joint. He was also wounded by a minié ball in the calf of the left leg at the same time, badly injuring the muscles and tendons, so that he is lame." In March, 1864, the pensioner was furnished with an artificial limb by M. Lincoln, of Boston, who described the amputation as having been performed by the "circular method (though very uncertain)." Dr. B. B. Breed, of Lynn, Mass., late surgeon U. S. V., in answer to a request of the Surgeon General, U. S. A., communicated, July 19, 1866: "I have examined the case of C. McDavitt, late private, Co. K, 19th Massachusetts. McDavitt is a man of good intelligence, and after his discharge from the 19th received a commission in the 4th Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. His arm was amputated for gunshot fracture of the forearm at the elbow joint. The arm is very thin, and bears marks of numerous cicatrices where collections of pus have been opened. The skin is drawn rather tightly over the condyles, and is thin and tender. He thinks the stump would have been much sounder if the amputation had been performed two inches higher. His principal objection to the operation is, however, that in fitting an artificial limb the maker was obliged to make the joint two inches below the extremity of the stump, thus making an awkward and useless limb. He has only worn it for a few days, and states that it is as 'good as so much cord-wood, and no better.' It proved a great encumbrance, and not of the slightest benefit. The operation was performed by Surgeon N. Hayward, 20th Massachusetts," etc. In a communication dated July 21, 1866, the pensioner stated that "his arm was amputated on the day following the injury," and that "the stump healed up about four months after his discharge from service, and had given no trouble since." The pensioner was paid September 4, 1875.