Title: Reed, James T.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1876), 828.

Keywords:wounds and injuries of the upper extremitieswounds and injuries of the elbow jointpunctured and incised woundssabre wounds of the elbowsabre cut across elbow jointfractured olecranon processserious flesh wound, severed tendons of forearmanchylosed elbow joint, entirely uselesssevere cut on head, fractured parietal bone and depressed inner tabledizziness and pain resulted

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e30756

TEI/XML: med.d2e30756.xml

CASE 1739.—The case of Private J. T. Reed, Co. C, 1st Vermont Cavalry, has already been detailed on page 21 of the First Surgical Volume, and it remains only to add the report of Examiner J. Nichols, of Washington, who certifies, December 28, 1864: "Severe sabre cut across the left elbow joint, fracturing the olecranon process, and inflicting a serious flesh wound and severing tendons of forearm. The elbow joint is anchylosed and entirely useless. Also received a severe cut on the head, fracturing the right parietal bone and depressing the inner table. Several pieces of bone have been removed, and dizziness and pain, almost always present, has resulted." The subsequent examiners report substantially the same. The pensioner was paid September 4, 1875.