Title: Romaine, Oscar C.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 3, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1883), 820.

Keywords:wounds and complicationstetanusremoval of neuromawound of index fingerfinger amputated near base of first phalanxthreatening symptoms relieved by removal of neuromapain and stiffness in neck, jaws closedneuroma incorporated with cicatrix and adherent to spiculumspicula of bone

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e28332

TEI/XML: med.d2e28332.xml

CASE 1195.—Private Oscar C. Romaine, Co. I, 145th New York, aged 20 years, was wounded in the right index finger October 25, 1862. The finger was amputated near the base of the first phalanx on October 30th. The part healed readily, but was very tender and often painful. In this condition he was admitted into Lincoln Hospital, Washington, January 18, 1863. Acting Assistant Surgeon B. P. Brown reported: "Nothing special transpired until March 20th, when, on attempting to swallow, he was seized with pain and stiffness in the neck and was unable to speak. Soon there was a heaving up of the chest and the head was rapidly thrown from side to side; the jaws closed, the angles of the mouth were drawn back, the eyebrows knit, and the countenance of a ghastly appearance. For a moment there would be partial remission, when the patient would complain that he could not bear to have any one touch him, as it caused the most severe suffering. Suddenly another paroxysm would come on more severe than the former, and then an interval, which, however, would be very short. This state of things continued from four o'clock P. M. till one o'clock A. M., when it was decided upon to open the wound and search for the cause. The part being laid open, a neuroma somewhat larger than a buckshot was found intimately incorporated with the hard cicatrix and tightly adherent to a spiculum​ of bone beneath. The tumor was removed, also the bony portion to which it had been attached. The parts were then brought together by adhesive straps, and the patient rested well, having but one more spasm about four o'clock A. M., and that very light. He is now quite recovered and enjoying better health than for some months past." He was discharged from service June 19, 1863. He is not a pensioner.