Title: Pierce, D. S.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 3, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1883), 11.

Keywords:wounds and injuries of the lower extremitiesflesh wounds of the lower extremitiesshot flesh woundsflesh wounds of the lower limbs, with injury of the larger nerveswounds of anterior tibial nerveconsumptionanterior tibial nerve dividedmuscles of front of leg paralyzed, foot points downwardtalipes equinusball passed through both peroneal muscles, dividing tibial nerve, lodging in soleus muscle

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e262

TEI/XML: med.d2e262.xml

CASE 15.—Private D. S. Pierce, Co. B, 1st Michigan, aged 22 years, was wounded at Bull Run, August 30, 1862, and admitted to Ryland Chapel Hospital, Washington, three days afterwards. Surgeon J. A. Lidell, U. S. V., reported: "The patient was admitted to Stanton Hospital from Ryland Chapel, December 5th, with wound in the right leg. The bullet entered the outer part of the front of the middle third of said leg, about midway between the tibia and fibula. The bullet did not go through the limb. It, however, went in so deep that it could not be reached by exploration. The wound has been healed since the middle of October. The missile has gravitated through between the tibia and fibula, and can now be felt deeply seated in the muscles of the calf. It gives him no trouble. The anterior tibial nerve was divided by the bullet, in consequence of which the muscles of the front of the leg are paralyzed. The end of the foot points downward from activity of those on the back of the leg, and the case resembles talipes equinus. The patient walks haltingly, but without a cane, by the aid of a high-heeled shoe. He has suffered but little pain since the wound healed, and considers himself to be slowly improving. He was discharged December 16, 1862." Examiner D. Hudson, of Lansing, Michigan, reported, May 8, 1863: "Ball passed through both peroneal muscles, dividing the tibial nerve * * and lodging deep in the soleus muscle. Ankle joint became stiff at an obtuse angle, requiring a heel more than an inch higher on the right shoe than on the left one. Neuralgic pain in foot and ankle daily and hourly." Drs. J. B. Hull and I. H. Bartholomew, of the Lansing Examining Board, certified, December 7, 1870: "The ball passed down, and now lies under the skin above the inner malleolus. He cannot stand on his leg but a short time, and is getting worse," etc. They also stated that they excised the ball, and reported, September, 1872: "The nerve is diseased, and he suffers great pain through the whole leg; is emaciated and feeble, and growing worse." This pensioner died of "consumption," November 22, 1872, superinduced, in the opinion of the attending physicians, by "the continually depressing effects of the pain and tenderness of his limb."