Title: Mansfield, D. F.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 3, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1883), 651.

Keywords:miscellaneous injuriessimple and compound fracturesfracture of the femur from a fall under a horsesimple fracture of the femur at the middle thirddeformity of thigh, injured parts not properly adjusted, fractured parts firmly unitedhorse fell upon manoperation, refractured limblimb one and a half inches shorter than otherdisplacement of patella downward, weakness in legdied of consumptiongeneral anesthesia, ethergeneral anesthesia, chloroform

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e25118

TEI/XML: med.d2e25118.xml

CASE 970.—Fracture of the femur from a fall under a horse.—Sergeant D. F. Mansfield, Co. F, 91st Pennsylvania, aged 37 years, was admitted to Harewood Hospital, Washington, January 18, 1865, suffering from great deformity of the right thigh, the result of a simple fracture of the femur at the middle third, the injured parts not having been properly adjusted. The injury occurred near the Weldon Railroad November 29, 1864, by a horse falling upon the man. At the time of admission the deformed limb was of no use whatever to the patient and locomotion was impeded, although the fractured parts were firmly united. The constitutional state of the patient otherwise was good. On January 28th Surgeon R. B. Bontecou, U. S. V., refractured the limb, after which a straight splint and counter-extension were applied. An anæsthetic consisting of chloroform and sulphuric ether was used. The patient did well after the operation, the parts uniting symmetrically. On March 13th the splint and extension were removed, when the fractured parts were found to be firmly united and the limb was placed in a plastic bandage. The patient continued to do well. On April 6th the plastic bandage was removed and the patient was allowed to be up on crutches, the fractured limb being one and a half inches shorter than the other, but firm and of perfect use. The history was reported by the operator. The patient was discharged from service June 24, 1865, and pensioned. Examining Surgeon O. I. Beach, of Parkerville, Kansas, May 19, 1873, certified to the injury resulting in shortening of the limb, and added that there is "displacement of the patella downward, causing much weakness in the leg; muscles placid. Complains of constant numbness and occasional severe pain in the leg, restricting locomotion," etc. The pensioner died of consumption April 17, 1875.