CASE 688.—Private M. Lynn, Co. I, 26th Pennsylvania, aged 26 years, was wounded at Chancellorsville, May 3, 1863. He was admitted to the field hospital of the 2d division, Third Corps, where Assistant Surgeon E. Marshall, 124th New York, recorded "shot fracture of left leg." Surgeon J. A. Lidell, U. S. V., reported as follows: "The patient entered Stanton Hospital, Washington, June 15th, with compound fracture of tibia and fibula at the middle third, caused by a minié ball entering at the posterior and inner side of the calf of the leg and escaping in front. At the time of his admission the leg was in a fracture box; the wound suppurated freely; patient's general condition good. Previous to his entrance to this hospital several detached fragments of bone had been removed, and a portion of the bullet had also been extracted; subsequently about half a dozen more fragments of bone were removed at different times. Splints and water dressings were used. About July 1st, the fracture had united, and one month later there was firm union of the bones and the wound was healing rapidly. On September 22d, the patient received a furlough and was allowed to go to his home for two months. The orifice of entrance healed about the 1st of October, and before the patient was transferred to Philadelphia, in April, 1864, the orifice of exit had also closed. The atrophy of the wounded limb had disappeared entirely and the muscles of the leg acted freely, the patient being able to walk well with out the aid of a cane and without limping. There was no shortening, and no deformity aside from some loss of osseous tissue at the seat of the fracture. The patient stated that the wounded limb had not caused him to feel sick at any time. He made the best recovery of any case of shot fracture of the leg that has come under my observation." After his transfer the patient was admitted to McClellan Hospital, whence he was returned to duty May 31st, to be discharged. He was mustered out of service June 18, 1864, and pensioned. The Philadelphia Examining Board at different dates certified to the injury, and reported that an adherent cicatrix resulted, causing impaired use of the limb; also that the fractured space had filled with cartilaginous tissue. The pensioner has been exempted from further examinations since 1873. He was paid December 4, 1879.