Title: Thomas, W. H.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 3, Volume 2 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1883), 404.

Keywords:wounds and injuries of the lower extremitieswounds and injuries of the knee jointshot injuries of the knee jointamputations at the knee jointintermediary amputations at the knee jointrecoveries after intermediary amputation at the knee jointshot fracture of upper third of legfield amputation of leg at knee joint, including removal of patellafurnished with artificial leg

Civil War Washington ID: med.d2e16786

TEI/XML: med.d2e16786.xml

CASE 648.—Private W. H. Thomas, Co. A, 17th Infantry, aged 19 years, was wounded at Bull Run, August 29, 1862, receiving a shot fracture of the upper third of the right leg. Assistant Surgeon B. Howard, U. S. A., reported that he amputated the leg on the field, on September 1st, at the knee joint, including the removal of the patella in the operation, which was performed by the double flap method. Several days after the date of the injury the wounded man was removed to Washington and admitted to Ascension Hospital, whence Surgeon J. C. Dorr, U. S. V., described his case as follows: "After his admission, the sutures were found upon examination to have given away and the flaps were gaping. The patient had been much exhausted by long marching prior to the battle, and it was feared that he would not survive the effects of the operation. Stimulants, beef tea, and quinine were freely given, and finally, after repeated relapses, he has now (December 3d) nearly recovered, the stump being covered with fine granulations, and his strength having recuperated to its normal standard." The patient subsequently passed through Carver and St. Elizabeth Hospitals, and on June 16, 1863, he was discharged, having been previously furnished with an artificial leg. He afterwards entered the Veteran Reserve Corps, and was ultimately discharged from service April 5, 1864, and pensioned. He was paid March 4, 1880. In his application for commutation he reported the stump as being in a good condition.