CASE 449.—Private C. G. Rush, Co. C, 21st Georgia, aged 22 years, was wounded and captured during the assault on Fort Steadman, March 25, 1865. He was conveyed to the Ninth Corps field hospital, whence Assistant Surgeon S. Adams, U. S. A., contributed the pathological specimen (Cat. Surg. Sect., 1866, p. 321, Spec. 3998), with the following history: "The injury consisted of a shell wound of the right leg below the knee joint, tearing open the joint, passing across and smashing the patella of the left leg. Surgeon L. W. Bliss, 51st New York, amputated both thighs at the lower third on the day of the injury. By April 1st the patient's general condition was excellent, his appetite and pulse good, and his tongue clean." The specimen consists of the amputated lower extremity of the left femur, with fragments of the patella. From the field hospital the patient was sent to City Point, and thence to Washington, where he was admitted to Armory Square, and subsequently to Lincoln Hospital. Surgeon J. C. McKee, U. S. A., in charge of the latter, contributed the photographs, represented in the annexed wood-cuts (FIGS. 182, 183), and described the amputation as a flap operation. The patient was released and discharged from hospital Aug. 2, 1865. Subsequently he entered and was treated for a time at St. Luke's Hospital, New York City, where, on February 28, 1866, he was provided by Dr. E. D. Hudson with artificial limbs, by means of which he was enabled to walk, requiring the assistance of two canes only.

FIG. 182.—Amputation of both thighs at lower thirds. [From a photograph.]
FIG. 183.—Artificial limbs applied in case of double amputation. [From a photograph.]