CASE 221.—Private Robert E. Shaw, Co. K, 111th N. Y.; age 23; was admitted June 26, 1863, with typhoid fever, and died August 10. Post-mortem examination twenty-five hours after death: Body rigid, not emaciated. Lungs normal excepting cadaveric changes, right weighing eighteen ounces, left seventeen ounces; right cavities of heart containing a large clot, fibrinous with a bloody admixture, extending a long distance into the pulmonary artery. Liver pale and flabby; spleen soft and decomposing; small intestine healthy to within four feet of the ileo-cæcal valve, below this point extensive typhoid ulceration existed, the ulcers being superficial and situated for the most part in the centre of large congested patches; large intestine healthy; kidneys very soft and flabby, congested in their cortical substance.—Ass't Surg. H. Allen, U. S. A., Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C.