Title: Spangler, Ananias

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 137.

Keywords:pathology of malarial diseasepost-mortem recordsremittent fever

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e947

TEI/XML: med.d1e947.xml

CASE 88.—Private Ananias Spangler, Co. K, 204th Pa. Vols.; age 19; was admitted October 28, 1864, with remittent fever and died November 9. Post-mortem examination nineteen hours after death: Body emaciated; rigor mortis marked; suggillation posteriorly; muco-puruleut matter escaping from nostrils; large but superficial abscess in perinæum. The pharynx and æsophagus were normal. The larynx and trachea were filled with muco-purulent matter, but the mucous membrane was healthy. The right lung was adherent to the thoracic parietes by recent lymph; its posterior portions were infiltrated with pus. The left lung, heart and pericardium were healthy. The liver was darker in color than usual, but was otherwise healthy; the gall-bladder contained six drachms of bile. The spleen, pancreas and kidneys were normal, as were also the stomach and the greater portion of the small intestine. The lower part of the ileum presented three or four ulcers which appeared to be in Peyer's patches; but the patches were not thickened and the ulcers seemed to be healing. The colon and rectum were normal.—Act. Ass't Surg. Thomas Bowen, Second Division Hospital, Alexandria, Va.