CASE 53.—Private Henry Williams, Co. D, 141st N. Y.; age 44; was admitted July 28, 1863, having been sick for about a week with fever of a typhoid type. Diagnosis—typho-malarial fever. On admission he had a red, moist tongue, a frequent and feeble pulse, much prostration, abdominal tenderness and slight diarrhœa. Morning remissions were noted on July 31, August 1, 2, 4, 10 and 12, on which days he was treated with from ten to thirty grains of quinine daily—on the other days opiates and aromatic sulphuric acid were given, but the diarrhœa increased to six or seven watery stools daily; râles were heard in the lower lobes of the lungs on the 5th, and the parotid became swollen on the 10th. He became dull and drowsy on the 12th and died next day. Post-mortem examination: Pneumonia of lower lobes of lungs; follicular inflammation and softening of mucous membrane of small intestine; two typhoid ulcers in ileum; liver enlarged and fatty; heart hypertrophied, weight sixteen ounces, slight thickening of mitral valve. Other organs healthy.—Stanton Hospital, Washington, D. C.