Title: Burley, Martin

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1879), 410.

Keywords:diarrhœa and dysenteryremarks on the pathology and treatment of diarrhœa and dysenteryacute dysenterycomplications of dysenteryparalysis as a sequel to dysenterydropsygeneral debilitypartial paraplegialower extremities, especially left, partially paralyzedwalked only with crutchesmuscular contractility and sensation good, left leg feeble

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e41898

TEI/XML: med.d1e41898.xml

CASE 886.—Private Martin Burley, company F, 2d Pennsylvania cavalry; age 29; admitted to Douglas hospital, Washington, D C., May 10, 1864. Diagnosis, dropsy. Transferred to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 14th. Admitted to Mower hospital, Philadelphia, May 15th. Diagnosis, general debility. Transferred, February 11, 1865. Admitted to Turner's Lane hospital, Surgeon R. A. Christian, U. S. V., in charge, February 11th. Diagnosis, partial paraplegia. The case-book of the latter hospital states that this man enlisted February 13, 1862; was first taken with diarrhœa at Occoquan creek, Virginia; it continued five months. He was furloughed, for sixty days about two months after being taken ill, but was not well enough to return to his regiment when the furlough expired. While on furlough the diarrhœa ceased, but soon after his lower extremities, especially the left, became partially paralyzed. He went to Washington about six months after he received his furlough, and was admitted to Douglas hospital as above stated. At present his lower limbs are so feeble that he can only walk with crutches. Muscular contractility and sensation appear to be good in both limbs, but the left leg is feeble and three-quarters of an inch smaller round the calf than the other. His general health is apparently good. This man was discharged from the hospital by reason of expiration of term of service, March 3, 1865. His condition at that time was much improved.