Title: Wick, Arnold

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1879), 152.

Keywords:diarrhœa and dysenteryfatal cases of diarrhœa and dysentery, with accounts of the morbid appearances observedfrom the Douglas Hospital, Washington, D. C.chronic dysenteryremittent fevercough and expectorationsmall intestine greatly inflamedPeyer's patches prominent, one ulcerated close to ileocæcal valvesolitary glands enlarged to size of canary-seedlarge intestine extensively ulcerated throughout its extentmesenteric glands enlargedautopsy performed

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e40903

TEI/XML: med.d1e40903.xml

Case from the case-book and medical descriptive lists of the DOUGLAS HOSPITAL, Washington, D. C., Assistant Surgeon William Thomson, U. S. A., in charge from February, 1863, to September, 1864, and after September, 1865; Assistant Surgeon William F. Norris in charge from October, 1864, to September, 1865:

CASE 311.—Private Arnold Wick, company H, 93d New York volunteers; admitted September 9, 1864. Chronic dysentery. [The register of the depot hospital of the 6th Corps shows that this man was admitted to that hospital August 11th—remittent fever—and sent to general hospital September 8th.] The passages were not very numerous at first, but the patient speedily became emaciated, and the stools ultimately very frequent. After a time he was attacked with cough and slight expectoration, but these symptoms were not very troublesome till within a day or two of his death, which took place October 17th. Autopsy: Body excessively emaciated. The posterior portion of both lungs was engorged with blood, and heavy enough to sink in water. The whole small intestine was greatly inflamed. Peyer's patches were somewhat prominent, and one, close to the ileocæcal valve, was ulcerated; the adjacent solitary glands wore enlarged to the size of canary-seed. The large intestine was much thickened, and extensively ulcerated throughout its whole extent. The mesenteric glands were enlarged. The kidneys congested.—Acting Assistant Surgeon Henry Gibbons, jr.