Title: Hoyt, J. W.
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1879), 150.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e40879
TEI/XML: med.d1e40879.xml
Case from the case-book and medical descriptive lists of the DOUGLAS HOSPITAL, Washington, D. C., Assistant Surgeon William Thomson, U. S. A., in charge from February, 1863, to September, 1864, and after September, 1865:
CASE 304.—Private J. W. Hoyt, company G, 17th Connecticut volunteers; age 22; admitted June 14, 1863. Scrofula and diarrhœa. [This man appears on the records of the hospital of the 11th Corps, Brooks Station, Virginia, as admitted April 27th—scrofula; no disposition recorded.] The patient was a young man of feeble constitution, broken down by poor diet and fatigue. Has been subject to attacks of diarrhœa for some time, but it is now better. His chief trouble is the presence of scrofulous looking abscesses in the neck and arm; pulse 90. Ordered citrate of iron and quinia, extra diet, milk-punch, &c. June 17th: Two abscesses were opened to-day, one under the ear, the other under the chin; they discharged freely; appetite better; bowels regular; pulse 95. June 20th: Continues better except that new abscesses are forming freely in the neck. Ordered iodide of potassium and quinine in syrup of sarsaparilla. June 22d: Severe diarrhœa has set in; the stools are watery and yellow; pulse 100; great prostration and depression of spirits. ℞. Opium, tannin, catechu, and alum, of each one drachm; make fifteen pills. Take one every four hours until the bowels are checked. June 25th: The diarrhœa is somewhat better, but the condition of the patient otherwise is not improved; pulse 100; tongue dry and clean; skin moist and cool. Died, June 27th.—Acting Assistant Surgeon H. L. W. Burritt. Autopsy sixteen hours after death: The lungs were congested posteriorly, and the bronchi filled with thick yellow muco-pus. The heart was normal; its right ventricle was empty, the left filled with mixed coagula and fluid blood. The liver was large, but otherwise normal. The spleen contained several abscesses. The mesenteric glands were enlarged. The peritoneum and omentum were much injected. The lower portion of the ileum and the whole of the large intestine were extensively ulcerated, many of the ulcers perforating the muscular coat.—Acting Assistant Surgeon Carlos Carvallo.