Title: Gleek, George A.
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1879), 122.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e40762
TEI/XML: med.d1e40762.xml
Case from the case-book of the CUYLER HOSPITAL, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Assistant Surgeon Henry S. Schell, U. S. A., in charge at the time the case was recorded:
CASE 184.—Wagoner George A. Gleek, company I, 1st Michigan cavalry; age 37; admitted August 30, 1864. Chronic diarrhœa of three months' standing. [The register of the post hospital of the cavalry division, Camp Stoneman, D. C., shows that this man was admitted to that hospital August 2, 1864, with diarrhœa, and sent to Lincoln hospital August 11th. He appears on the register of Lincoln hospital, Washington, D. C., admitted August 12th—incontinence of urine—sent to Philadelphia August 29th.] He was much emaciated, and his skin had a peculiar tan color. He had no appetite, was much debilitated, and kept his bed the greater part of the time. He had frequent stools and considerable abdominal pain. The treatment adopted was tonic, astringent, and anodyne, with nutritious food, and stimulus graduated according to his condition. He slowly sank, and died October 24th. Autopsy next day: Rigor mortis well marked; body greatly emaciated. The brain was not examined. There were extensive pleuritic adhesions, both old and recent, on the left side; both lungs contained abundant pigment deposits. The heart and pericardium were healthy. The omentum almost entirely devoid of fat. The stomach was slightly congested. The spleen enlarged. The small intestines presented numerous ulcers in the neighborhood of the ileocæcal valve. The remaining viscera appeared to be normal.