Case entered in the book is signed by Assistant Surgeon A. Hartsuff, U. S. A., temporarily acting as surgeon in charge,⃰ by whom it is understood the majority if not all the cases were treated. To the account of each case as recorded in the case-book the subsequent history of the patient, whenever it has been possible to obtain it, is appended. ⃰In the absence of Assistant Surgeon E. J. Marsh, U. S. A.

CASE 8.—Lieutenant Clark E. Bates, company I, 2d Rhode Island volunteers; admitted May 8, 1863, with compound comminuted fracture of the right thigh by a musket bullet. Diarrhœa set in June 20th. Ordered thirty drops of laudanum, followed by chalk mixture. June 29th: The diarrhœa still continues, the passages averaging four daily. ℞. Nitrate of silver ten grains, laudanum twenty-five drops, water one ounce. Use as an enema. This was retained one hour. July 2d: Has had three passages to-day​. Repeat the injection. July 7th: Has had but one or two passages of good consistence daily since the last note. [This officer died July 18, 1863, from the effects of his wound.]