Title: Ledley, Edward C.
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 231.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e3202
TEI/XML: med.d1e3202.xml
CASE 60.—Light febrile attack following intermittent fever, but not influenced specially by the action of the malarial poison; debility; drowsiness and diarrhœa.—Teamster Edward C. Ledley, 2d Mich.; age 23; had chills and fever with diarrhœa since the middle of August, 1861, but attended to his duty as an ambulance driver until September 6, when he was admitted as a case of typhoid fever, presenting chills, increased local and general heat, anorexia, muscular debility and pain in the head and bones. On the 11th he was drowsy and had headache; pulse 78, tongue moist, red at the tip and brown in the centre, appetite returning. Next evening the headache continued and he had two stools; but after this the bowels became regular, the skin moist and warm, the tongue moist and clean, the pulse natural, the sleep sound and the appetite and strength improved. He was returned to duty on the 30th. Dover's powder and turpentine emulsion, with quinine towards the end, formed the medication.