Title: Hinman, Byron
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 230.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e3104
TEI/XML: med.d1e3104.xml
CASE 57.—Sergt. Byron Hinman, Co. G, 24th N. Y. Vols.; age 24; was admitted Sept. 25, 1861, with remittent fever which he had contracted about four weeks before. He had headache with flushed face, suffused eyes, a quick pulse, 82 per minute, and a warm but moist skin, a slight cough, anorexia and moist yellow-coated tongue. A six-grain dose of blue-pill was ordered, with Dover's powder at night. Next day there was some umbilical tenderness; sixteen grains of quinine were given in the forenoon and a small dose of castor oil; two stools were passed. On the 27th the face was not so much flushed and there was some return of appetite. The patient was dizzy and in the afternoon had a free perspiration. The quinine was repeated on the 28th, but the headache, anorexia and foul tongue were not removed until October 1, after a second mercurial dose with castor oil. He was returned to duty on the 9th.