Title: Horan, William

Source text: Surgeon General Joseph K. Barnes, United States Army, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861–65.), Part 1, Volume 2 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1870), 49.

Keywords:on special wounds and injuries of the headwounds and injuries of the headmiscellaneous injuries of the headblowsfractures of the cranium by blows from various blunt weaponsfissure of outer table and depression of the inner table of skullbruise of forehead, received in street fightabscess beneath frontal bone

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e3066

TEI/XML: med.d1e3066.xml

CASE.— Private William Horan, U. S. Marine Corps, aged 43 years, was admitted to Armory Square Hospital, Washington, May 14th, 1865, with a bruise of the left side of the forehead, received in a street fight a few hours previously. The injury was regarded as a simple contusion of the scalp, and was treated as such. On May 20th, the patient suddenly became comatose, and death took place on the following day, May 21st, 1865. The post mortem examination revealed a slight fissure of the outer, and a considerable depression of the inner table. An abscess of considerable size extended for some distance beneath the frontal bone. Surgeon D. W. Bliss, U. S. V., reports the case.