Case entered in the book is signed by Assistant Surgeon A. Hartsuff, U. S. A., temporarily acting as surgeon in charge,⃰ by whom it is understood the majority if not all the cases were treated. To the account of each case as recorded in the case-book the subsequent history of the patient, whenever it has been possible to obtain it, is appended. ⃰In the absence of Assistant Surgeon E. J. Marsh, U. S. A.

CASE 4.—Private Joseph Brinker, Company E, 11th Pennsylvania volunteers; admitted April 2, 1863. Compound comminuted fracture of the right femur from a musket bullet. June 15th: The patient was attacked by diarrhœa, having six discharges during the day, for which opium pills were prescribed. June 20th: The diarrhœa still continuing, ordered pills of tannin and opium, one grain each. June 25th: ℞. Persulphate of iron ten grains, opium five grains, capsicum ten grains; make ten pills. Take one every four hours. June 30th: The diarrhœa still continues, averaging five stools daily. ℞. Nitrate of silver fifteen grains, water an ounce. Use as an enema. July 10th: Has had but one passage daily since the enema. [This man was discharged the service March 3, 1865. His right thigh had been amputated in the upper third.]