Title: Barnett, W. H.
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 222.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e2310
TEI/XML: med.d1e2310.xml
CASE 25.—Delirium; involuntary stools; sordes; rose-colored spots; convalescence coincident with free perspiration.—Private W. H. Barnett, Co. D, 14th N. Y.; age 26; was admitted Oct. 2, 1861, as a case of typhoid fever. On the 6th he was reported as weak and having suffused eyes, quick pulse, 115, hot and dry skin, moist, brown and slightly fissured tongue, anorexia, relaxed bowels and iliac tenderness. Turpentine emulsion and camphor with sweet spirit of nitre were ordered. Next day the patient was quite delirious and had three involuntary stools; sordes appeared on the teeth and six rose-colored spots on the skin. Milk-punch and tincture of opium were ordered. On the 8th the rose-colored spots increased in number and the delirium was somewhat lessened; the five stools passed were not involuntary; some irritability of stomach was manifested. Sudamina appeared on the 10th with a fresh crop of rose-colored spots, and the tongue became red at the tip and edges. On the 11th epistaxis occurred and the patient was stupid. Next day headache accompanied the delirium, the other symptoms continuing as already stated. On the 14th the tongue was somewhat moist and the appetite improved. On the 15th the pulse had fallen to 80, the diarrhœa lessened, epistaxis recurred and the patient was more rational. Next day there was only one passage from the bowels, but the right iliac tenderness continued with some tympanites and gurgling. Rose-colored spots appeared on the 18th and again on the 21st; on the former day the headache and delirium were greatly lessened, and on the 19th the tongue was clean and the appetite good; but some general tenderness continued in the abdomen and there was some cough. A free perspiration occurred during the following night, after which the progress of convalescence was steady. He was transferred to Annapolis, Md., November 1 [whence he was returned to duty on the 22d].