Title: Snuley, D. P.
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 221.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e2181
TEI/XML: med.d1e2181.xml
CASE 20.—Record commencing about third week; perspirations accompanying subsidence of the fever.—Private D. P. Snuley, Co. F. 11th Pa. Cav.; age 19; was said to have contracted diarrhœa on Sept. 9, 1861, and was admitted on the 30th. Diagnosis—typhoid fever. He was weak, had a slight cough, a diarrhœa yielding two stools daily and but little appetite; pulse 100 and quick; skin natural; tongue moist, but coated in the centre. Next day he was dull; had some headache and tenderness in the right iliac region. On October 2d the tongue was dry, brown and fissured in the centre. No change was noted on the 3d, but on the 4th his pupils were dilated; he was delirious and had a wild look. The delirium abated somewhat on the 6th; the tongue became dry, red and fissured by the 10th, but the appetite improved and the bowels continued unmoved for several days, the pulse beating 75 to 80 per minute, although there was some abdominal tenderness and tympanites, with flushed cheeks, injected eyes and nocturnal delirium. The patient perspired during the night, and next morning the tongue was red at the tip and edges and coated white in the centre; there was less delirium and the appetite was good. On the 12th the tongue was moist and clean but for a yellowish streak on each side of the centre. One stool was obtained on the 14th, after the administration of two compound cathartic pills. The tongue on the 17th was moist and clean but for some white patches. The patient steadily improved and was returned to duty November 13.