Title: Carley, Albert M.
Source text: Surgeon General Joseph K. Barnes, United States Army, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861–65.), Part 1, Volume 2 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1870), 482.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e19315
TEI/XML: med.d1e19315.xml
CASE.—Private Albert M. Carley, Co. H, 111th New York Volunteers, aged 18 years, was wounded at Petersburg, at the general assault, April 2d, 1865, by a conoidal ball, which entered the left side near the spine, between the eighth and ninth ribs, penetrated the thorax, and lodged. He was taken from the field and sent by rail, with over two hundred other wounded of the corps, to City Point, to the field hospital of the Second Corps, under Acting Staff Surgeon John Aiken, U. S. V. He had rallied from the shock of the injury, but was depressed by hæmorrhage, and had labored breathing and hæmoptysis. Simple dressings were applied, and the patient was placed on an hospital steamer, and on April 5th was admitted to Armory Square Hospital, Washington. He died on April 6th, 1865, while the wound was being examined.