Title: Flaherty, Timothy
Source text: Surgeon General Joseph K. Barnes, United States Army, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861–65.), Part 1, Volume 2 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1870), 442.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e18850
TEI/XML: med.d1e18850.xml
CASE.—Private Timothy Flaherty, Co. A, 1st Maryland Cavalry, aged 43 years, was wounded at Fredericksburg, Virginia, December 11th, 1862, by a conoidal ball, which entered the lumbar muscles a little to the right of the spine, passed forward, somewhat downward, and slightly inward, exposing a portion of the body and transverse process of the second lumbar vertebra. He was admitted, on the next day, to Stanton Hospital, Washington. There was complete paralysis of the lower extremities, both as to sensation and motion; the urinary bladder was also paralyzed. His general condition was favorable, and appetite excellent. Simple dressings were applied to the wound, and nourishing diet administered. Catheterization was resorted to, twice daily. During the month of January, 1863, he began to recover the power of using his limbs in bed to some extent. In February, the bladder had recovered its tone so that it was only necessary to use the catheter occasionally. During this month, the paraplegia continued to diminish slowly. The bullet came away in the dressings, having gravitated down from its place of lodgement, as the patient lay in bed. In March, electricity was applied, and diuretics, tonics, and purgatives administered. By April 6th, the patient was able to sit up, and stand with a little assistance. He had difficulty in the retention of his urine upon assuming the erect posture, which was probably occasioned by the prolonged use of the catheter. The urine was also scanty. On August 15th, he was furloughed. The wound had healed and he was able to walk with the aid of a crutch, April 4th: walks pretty well with the aid of a cane. The wound reopens at intervals, and after discharging awhile, closes again. On May 4th, the patient was transferred to Haddington Hospital, Philadelphia, and, on July 14th, to Turner's Lane Hospital, whence he was returned to duty on September 26th, 1864. Pension Examiner H. W. Owings, of Baltimore, reports, April 8th, 1867, that the patient was much debilitated, with an abscess discharging through a sinus in the right buttock, and that he could not stand without assistance.