Title: Fitzgerald, Maurice

Source text: Surgeon General Joseph K. Barnes, United States Army, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861–65.), Part 1, Volume 2 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1870), 240.

Keywords:on special wounds and injuries of the headwounds and injuries of the headgunshot woundsgunshot fractures of the cranial bonesremoval of fragments after gunshot fractures of the skullrecovered after gunshot fractures of the skullrecovery after removal of fragments of skull for gunshot fractureconoidal ball comminuted and depressed left parietal bone near median linesurvived with disabilities of various degrees, brain more or less seriously affectednames not placed upon Pension Rollstate of insensibility, unable to articulateunable raise right handtongue inclined to the right side when protrudedable to walk and speak, proper use of all parts of bodygeneral anesthesia, chloroform

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e16181

TEI/XML: med.d1e16181.xml

CASE.—Corporal Maurice Fitzgerald, Co. E, 28th Massachusetts Volunteers, aged 25 years, was wounded at Fort Steadman, Virginia, March 25th, 1865, by a conoidal ball, which comminuted and depressed the left parietal bone one and a half inches to the left of the median line. On the following day, he was taken to the hospital of the 1st division, Second Corps, thence was conveyed to Washington, and admitted to the Emory Hospital on the 30th, being in a state of insensibility and unable to articulate or raise the right hand; his tongue inclined to the right side, when protruded. His pulse was slow but strong. Being placed under the influence of chloroform on March 31st, Surgeon N. R. Moseley, U. S. V., enlarged the wound, removing numerous portions of the cranium, with pieces of the ball. On April 2d, pills of calomel and extract of henbane were administered to produce slight ptyalism. On April 15th, the patient was able to walk and speak, and had proper use of all parts of the body. On June 3d, he was transferred to the Mower Hospital at Philadelphia; thence, on July 24th, was transferred to Massachusetts. The pathological specimen was contributed, with the history, by Surgeon N. R. Moseley, U. S. V., and is figured in the adjacent wood-cut. This soldier was discharged the service, July 22d, 1865. His claim for a pension is pending.

FIG. 115.—Seven small fragments of the left parietal bone. Spec. 4073, Sect. I, A. M. M.