LEAP, JOHN C., Private, Co. G, 28th New Jersey, aged 43 years. Fredericksburg, December 13th, 1862. Gunshot fracture of frontal bone by round ball. Washington and Philadelphia hospitals. Spiculæ of bone removed by crucial​ incision. Difficulty of micturition, and pain in temples and nape of neck. Discharged March 6th, 1863. September 30th, 1869, Examiner James E. Armstrong, M. D., reports that the missile still remains within the cavity, and is supposed to be near the base of the brain.² His memory and sight are impared​, and he is subject to attacks of vertigo and syncope.

² See the series of nineteen cases on p. 193, et seq., with which this would have been grouped had the evidence been more satisfactory.