Title: Sweiger, Henry

Source text: Surgeon General Joseph K. Barnes, United States Army, The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861–65.), Part 1, Volume 2 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1870), 228.

Keywords:on special wounds and injuries of the headwounds and injuries of the headgunshot woundsgunshot fractures of the cranial bonesremoval of fragments after gunshot fractures of the skulldischarged and pensionedrecovered after fragments of bone, fractured by gunshot projectiles, were removedpatients remained on Pension Rollgunshot fracture of right parietal bonepartial paralysis of left sideunable to perform manual labor or bear exposure to sun

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e15909

TEI/XML: med.d1e15909.xml

CASE.—Corporal Henry Sweiger, Co. I, 208th Pennsylvania Volunteers, aged 18 years, received, near Petersburg, Virginia, March 25th, 1865, a gunshot fracture of the right parietal bone. He was sent to the hospital of the 3d division, Ninth Corps; thence to Washington, where he was admitted to the Lincoln Hospital on March 30th. On May 13th, he was transferred to the Mower Hospital, Philadelphia. Simple dressings were applied to the wound. On June 1st, an exfoliation of the outer table, three-fourths of an inch in length by one-half inch in width, was removed, and two days later another piece, one inch in length, was taken out. No untoward symptoms followed, and the patient was discharged the service on June 21st, 1865, and pensioned. On March 26th, 1868, Pension Examiner M. H. Strickler, reported this man to be suffering from partial paralysis of the left side, and to be unable to perform manual labor or bear exposure to the sun. He recommends an increase of pension.