CASE.—Private William E. Chapman, Co. E, 69th New York Volunteers, was wounded near Petersburg, Virginia, March 25th, 1865, by a conoidal musket ball, which caused a penetrating fracture of the temporal bone. He was, on the same day, admitted to the hospital of the 1st division, Second Corps, and thence was conveyed to Washington, and admitted to the Campbell Hospital, on March 28th, where the missile was removed. He was discharged on May 30th, 1865. On May 15th, 1868, Pension Examiner M. C. Hazen reported that, from time to time, pieces of bone have been discharged from the ear. There was a constant discharge from the ear, with a continued dull pain in the head, and the jaw was anchylosed. His disability is rated three-fourths and temporary.