CASE.—Private R. W. Hamlin, Co. F, 4th Michigan Volunteers, aged 22 years, was wounded at Gettysburg, July 2d, 1863, by a conoidal ball which entered anterior to top of right ear, passed backward and downward through the external ear, injured the mastoid process, and emerged at the back of neck six inches from point of entrance. He fell senseless, and was carried to the Seminary hospital, remaining unconscious for two days. On July 20th, he was sent to hospital at York, Pennsylvania. He suffered much pain in side of head, and the principal discharge came from the external meatus, where a piece of bone made its exit. On August 22d, the orifice of entrance was filled with granulations, and that of exit had become covered with plastic lymph. The movement of jaw became, to some extent, limited, and the patient could not close the right eyelid or raise the right eyebrow. On May 31st, 1864, he was admitted to Fairfax Seminary Hospital; on June 7th, was sent to Haddington Hospital, Philadelphia; on June 11th, to Satterlee Hospital; and on August 5th, to St. Mary's Hospital, Detroit, Michigan, where he was discharged from the service September 13th, 1864. He is not a pensioner.