Title: Jackett, Ashley R.
Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 883.
Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e11741
TEI/XML: med.d1e11741.xml
CASE 10.—Ashley R. Jackett, Co. K, 5th Mich. Cav., was admitted June 26, 1863. No history could be obtained previous to the occurrence of the anasarca, which appeared shortly before his admission. The urine, high-colored, acrid and albuminous, contained tubular casts, renal epithelium, an abundance of fat-globules, a few blood-disks and crystals of uric acid. Treatment consisted of cups over the loins, warm fomentations and diaphoretics; later the hot-bath was used, with acetate and bitartrate of potash, the latter of which afforded some relief. The feet were scarified. The diet was nutritious, fats being avoided. Erysipelas set in July 23. Death on August 3 was preceded by coma. Post-mortem examination: Body much emaciated; hydrothorax, ascites and general anasarca present. The heart weighed eleven ounces and a half. The lungs were healthy. The kidneys weighed eight ounces and each presented the appearance of Bright 's disease.—Act. Ass't Surgeon Norman S. Barnes, First Division Hospital, Alexandria, Va.