Title: Taylor, James T.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 848.

Keywords:diseases attributed to non-miasmatic exposuresother diseases attributed to exposurecongestion and inflammation of the spinal membranesattack was beginning of permanent disability from loss of power in affected limbs and tremors, recorded as paralysis agitanscontusion extended from knee half way up thighcase regarded as chronic rheumatismnervous debilityparalysis agitanschoreatremor after paralysis

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e11570

TEI/XML: med.d1e11570.xml

CASE 11.—Serg't James T. Taylor, Co. H, 99th Pa.; age 36; enlisted July 1, 1861, and did duty until a few days after the battle of Chancellorsville, in May, 1863, when he was found lying in his tent with his lower limbs paralysed. A dark spot, seemingly a contusion, extended from the left knee half way up the thigh. He was treated in regimental hospital, afterwards in the division hospital at Potomac Creek, Va.; from this he was transferred to Fairfax Seminary, Alexandria, Va., where, on his arrival, June 14, his case was regarded as one of chronic rheumatism. He was furloughed July 16, and shortly after his return was transferred, September 23, to Mower hospital, Philadelphia, where he was regarded as suffering from nervous debility. Quinine with extracts of valerian and hyoscyamus was prescribed, and on October 1 he was again furloughed. On his return he was placed on light duty, and on March 1, 1864, was sent to his regiment; but on April 21 he re-appeared as a patient at the Lincoln hospital, Washington,—diagnosis: paralysis agitans. He was transferred to South street hospital, Philadelphia, May 3,—diagnosis: chorea; and on July 25 was discharged because of expiration of service and tremor after paralysis.