CASE 10.—Henry Roberts, colored; age 28; was admitted Dec. 29, 1865, with articular rheumatism, the elbows, wrists and knees being affected. Subsequently symptoms of heart disease set in; he became dropsical, and died in April, 1866. Post-mortem examination: The areolar tissue of the body was loaded with serum, as was also the peritoneal cavity. The right lung weighed thirty-six ounces, the left forty-two ounces; both were hepatized in their lower parts. The pericardium contained twenty-three ounces of liquid; heart and pericardium weighed fifty-two ounces,—the heart, after the removal of the pericardium and clots, weighed thirty-five and a half ounces; the aortic valves were ulcerated,—[Specimen 801, Med. Sec., Army Medical Museum]. The liver was fatty and somewhat cirrhosed; the right kidney showed a singular cicatrix on its outer edge; the left was lobulated,—[Specimen 802]. The intestines and spleen were normal.—Surgeon E. Bentley, U. S. Vols., Slough Hospital, Alexandria, Va.