Title: Roberts, Henry

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 831.

Keywords:diseases attributed to non-miasmatic exposuresrheumatic affectionsacute rheumatismclinical or post-mortem recordsdeath generally due to implication of the heartcoloredadmitted with articular rheumatismrheumatism affected elbows, wrists and kneespericardium contained large amount of liquidareolar tissue of body loaded with serumsymptoms of heart disease, dropsicalaortic valves ulceratedperitoneal cavity loaded with serumliver fatty and cirrhosedboth lower lungs hepatizedkidney showed cicatrix on outer edge

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e11531

TEI/XML: med.d1e11531.xml

CASE 10.—Henry Roberts, colored; age 28; was admitted Dec. 29, 1865, with articular rheumatism, the elbows, wrists and knees being affected. Subsequently symptoms of heart disease set in; he became dropsical, and died in April, 1866. Post-mortem examination: The areolar tissue of the body was loaded with serum, as was also the peritoneal cavity. The right lung weighed thirty-six ounces, the left forty-two ounces; both were hepatized in their lower parts. The pericardium contained twenty-three ounces of liquid; heart and pericardium weighed fifty-two ounces,—the heart, after the removal of the pericardium and clots, weighed thirty-five and a half ounces; the aortic valves were ulcerated,—[Specimen 801, Med. Sec., Army Medical Museum]. The liver was fatty and somewhat cirrhosed; the right kidney showed a singular cicatrix on its outer edge; the left was lobulated,—[Specimen 802]. The intestines and spleen were normal.—Surgeon E. Bentley, U. S. Vols., Slough Hospital, Alexandria, Va.