Title: Copps, William

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 830.

Keywords:diseases attributed to non-miasmatic exposuresrheumatic affectionsacute rheumatismclinical or post-mortem recordsadmitted with acute rheumatismfever, pain in leg and back, swelling of ankle and kneepains in chest and backpalpitation at intervals, palpitation on exertionnervous prostration

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e11506

TEI/XML: med.d1e11506.xml

CASE 4.—Serg't William Copps, Co. D, 88th Pa., was admitted July 26, 1863, with acute rheumatism. He had suffered from previous attacks of this disease. On admission: Fever; pain in the left leg and back and some swelling of the ankle and knee; pain in the left breast and palpitation; tongue slightly coated; bowels constipated. Gave one and a half ounces of sulphate of magnesia and half an ounce of sweet spirit of nitre in two ounces of water,—to take a tablespoonful every two hours until the bowels are moved; afterwards ten grains of Dover's powder every six hours. 28th: Pain in back and leg; palpitation intermitting; less fever; pulse 90; appetite better. Apply fly-blister, 4 by 6, to back; dress with olive oil. Gave three drachms of acetate of potash and one ounce of sweet spirit of nitre in two ounces of water,—to take a tablespoonful every six hours. 30th: Appetite good; bowels regular; pain in leg; less pain in back. August 1: Pain in breast. Gave three grains of sulphate of quinine in an ounce of whiskey three times daily. 6th: Pains in chest and back; much palpitation; appetite good; bowels regular. 7th: Palpitation at intervals; great nervous prostration. Gave one-twentieth of a grain of strychnine three times daily. 9th: Less palpitation; much pain in back and limbs. Gave one drachm of iodide of potassium in one ounce each of wine of colchicum and water,—to take one fluid drachm three times daily. 15th: Much better; pain in back and limbs relieved; some palpitation on exertion. Stopped treatment. On duty as nurse. September 14: Returned to duty.—Second Division Hospital, Alexandria, Va.