Title: Smith, John B.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 746.

Keywords:diseases attributed to non-miasmatic exposuresdiseases of the respiratory organsdiphtheritic inflammation of the fauces, etc.doubt diphtheria was constitutional disease from specific poisonpost-mortem recordsdiphtheriadiphtheritic exudationadmitted with debility and diarrhœa due to typhoid fever and measlesmeaslestyphoid fevertonsils swollen, surrounding parts covered with false membrane, nearly closed faucesfalse membrane removed by forcepsdied of apnœafauces covered and glottis and trachea lined with diphtheritic membranepulmonary congestion manifest

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e10758

TEI/XML: med.d1e10758.xml

CASE 10.—Private John B. Smith, Co. I, 13th N. H., was admitted Feb. 7, 1863, with debility and diarrhœa consequent on typhoid fever and measles. He improved under treatment and was able to be out of bed most of the day when, on March 11, he complained of sore throat and in the evening diphtheritic exudation had already occurred, although difficulty in swallowing and the return of liquids through the nose were not manifested until the following day. On the 13th respiration was quite laborious, the tonsils much swollen and the surrounding parts covered with false membrane which nearly closed the fauces. Some of this was removed by forceps with temporary relief; but towards evening suffocation again threatened and a second attempt was made, without success, to clear the throat. The feeble condition of the patient did not warrant the administration of nauseants. He was treated with quinine and tincture of iron, which latter was also applied to the fauces. He died on the 14th of apnœa. Post-mortem examination: The fauces were covered and the glottis and trachea lined throughout with diphtheritic membrane. [Specimen 13, Med. Sec., Army Medical Museum.] Pulmonary congestion was manifest.—Ass't Surgeon H. B. Buck, U. S. Vols., Columbian Hospital, Washington, D. C.