CASE 5.—Private Eli Jacobs, Co. B, 109th N. Y.; age 22; was admitted Jan. 22, 1864, with pneumonia. Warm fomentations, cups and blisters were applied to the chest, and tartar emetic, opium, senega and carbonate of ammonia prescribed, with milk-punch and nourishing diet. On February 9 a diphtheritic appearance was recognized in the throat. He died on the 11th. Post-mortem examination: A membranous formation was found in the fauces and larynx. The lungs were adherent throughout and hepatized in their lower lobes; the apex of the right lung was cicatrized. The kidneys were enlarged and fatty. [Specimen 46, Med. Sec., Army Medical Museum.] The other organs were healthy.—Surgeon Edwin Bentley, U. S. Vols., Third Division Hospital, Alexandria, Va.