Title: Thurman, Henry C.

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 632.

Keywords:on the eruptive feverssmall-poxclinical and post-mortem recordspost-mortem appearancesuppuration in glands of groin, open and dischargingsolitary follicles prominent, especially at ileo-cæcal valveeruption on forehead, then spreaderuption umbilicatedlungs congested posteriorly

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e10584

TEI/XML: med.d1e10584.xml

CASE 1.—Private Henry C. Thurman, Co. C, 6th Iowa; age 26; was admitted Feb. 4, 1865, with coryza, cough and slight fever. During his stay in hospital he had some obscure symptoms which culminated in a chill followed by suppuration in the glands of the left groin. These were open and discharging when, on April 4, he complained of great pain in the back and loins. An eruption appeared on his forehead on the 10th and spread during the next two days over his abdomen, back, legs and arms; his pulse was accelerated and weak; stomach irritable and general condition low. On the 11th there was epistaxis and vomiting of blood, sordes on the teeth and increased frequency of pulse, 130. He died next day, the vomiting continuing to the last; blood was passed from the bladder shortly before death. Post-mortem examination fifteen hours after death: Rigor mortis slight; cellular tissues full of serum; eruption slightly umbilicated. The lungs were congested posteriorly. The heart was flabby, its right side and large vessels filled with liquid blood and some soft and reddish-brown clots. The liver and spleen were softened. The solitary follicles were prominent and on puncture exuded a whitish serum; those near the ileo-cæcal valve presented a distinct black spot in a central depression. The kidneys appeared normal but the bladder was filled with blood.—Douglas Hospital, Washington, D. C.