Title: Bond, Simeon

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 580.

Keywords:diseases allied to or associated withthe paroxysmal and continued feverscerebro-spinal feverclinical and post-mortem recordsout of his head, sick at stomach, headachemember of hospital guard, admitted from quartersdelirium, stupor

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e10462

TEI/XML: med.d1e10462.xml

CASE 93.—Private Simeon Bond, 37th Co. 2d Batt. V. R. Corps; age 25; a member of the hospital guard, was admitted from quarters on the evening of August 14, 1864. He had complained of debility and loss of appetite for several days, and the orderly sergeant thought him slightly out of his head. On admission he was weak, feverish, thirsty and sick at stomach, but did not vomit; pulse 90; he had headache but no other pain. Neutral mixture and aconite were prescribed. He was restless and slept but little during the night, and next morning he did not seem to realize where he was. He wanted to get up and steal away, but was quiet withal. His head was hot, eyes somewhat injected, tongue furred, pulse 95 and stronger. The ice-bag, a brisk purgative and acetate of ammonia with antimonial wine and nitric ether were prescribed. Morphia was administered in the evening and he passed a better night. On the 16th he was mildly delirious, sinking into stupor when left undisturbed; pupils somewhat dilated, symmetrical; eyes more injected; pulse 80 and full; respiration deep and regular but slower than natural. He had no spasm of any kind. A blister was applied to the nape of the neck and sinapisms to the epigastrium and inside of the thighs; quinine was given in full doses. His bowels had been freely moved. No improvement followed,—the stupor grew more profound, and he died comatose about 11 P. M., a little over forty-eight hours after his admission.—Stanton Hospital, Washington, D. C.

⃰ JOHN A. LIDELL, U. S. V., published this case in an article on Epidemic Cerebro-spinal Meningitis in the American Jour. Med. Sciences, June, 1865.