Case at the Hospitals of Alexandria, Va.

CASE 71.—Private John Fitzpatrick, Co. G, 28th Mich.; age 37; admitted Jan. 26, 1865. Diagnosis—acute bronchitis. Died February 2. Post-mortem examination: No emaciation; marked rigor mortis; much suggillation posteriorly. The longitudinal sinus was filled with dark clotted blood; the dura mater was normal but the pia mater was covered with unorganized lymph; the brain was healthy, with two drachms of serum in its ventricles; the spinal cord was not examined. The mucous membrane of the trachea and bronchi were inflamed, thickened and roughened; the bronchial glands enlarged and very dark. The lungs were somewhat emphysematous in their upper and congested in their lower lobes. The heart was enlarged and showed large numbers of fat-globules under the microscope; the pericardium was normal. The omentum was congested; the liver enlarged and very pale; the intestines normal except for a softening of the mucous membrane of the ileum; the mesenteric glands enlarged and dark; the remaining abdominal viscera normal.