Case at the Hospitals of Alexandria, Va.

CASE 70.—Private Sylvester Slow, Co. K, 20th Mass.; age 24; was admitted Dec. 28, 1864, having walked from the Washington street prison. He complained of pain in the joints and insisted that there was nothing else the matter with him; his tongue was somewhat brown in the centre, but the edges were clean and moist; skin dry and cool; eyes natural; bowels moved during the previous night; breathing somewhat hurried; slight dulness​ over both lungs; no headache. During the night he had a fit lasting but a short time, after which he became delirious, muttering incoherently, and affected at the same time with a short harassing cough accompanied with frothy, bloody expectoration. He died at 11 A. M. of the 29th. Post-mortem examination: Yellow exudation at the base of the brain and between the cerebrum and cerebellum; some slightly turbid serum in the lateral ventricles; a pigment deposit the size of a pea in the lower part of the right optic thalamus, presumed to be the result of a former extravasation of blood; slight hardening of the brain-substance. Some lobular pneumonia; cirrhosis of the liver; enlargement of the spleen; inflammation of the solitary follicles of the ileum and cæcum.