People Page 111 of 232, showing 20 records out of 4627 total

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Name Occupation Race Date of Birth Date of Death
Judson, O.A.
Julien, Thomas July 29, 1836-July 30, 1837 Aug 02, 1863
Jungerich, John June 23, 1864
Justin, James clerk European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
K--, Albert Apr 28, 1862
K., James July 27, 1863
Kadey, Mathew laborer European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Kagarice, John May 17, 1865
Kaley, John Oct 03, 1864
Kane, George boatman African American (identified as black in the 1860 census)
Kane, Nathaniel African American (according to emancipation petition)
Kane, Patrick mason European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Kaufmann, B.
Kaugh, James laborer European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Kaugh, Thomas laborer European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Kearney, Louisa
Kearney, M. M. European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Kearon, John carpenter European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Kee, Ann African American (according to emancipation petition)
Keefe, Mary European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
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