People Page 100 of 232, showing 20 records out of 4627 total

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Name Occupation Race Date of Birth Date of Death
Hopkins, John S
Hopkins, Major coach driver European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Hopkinson, Joseph H. surgeon, U.S. Army
Horan, William May 21, 1865
Horseman, George
Horton, Rebecca European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Horwitz, P. J. naval officer European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Hough, William W. butter merchant European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Houlahan, Morris Dec 11, 1862
Hounschilds, William upholsterer European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Houpt, Charles
Howard, Beal shoemaker European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Howard, Benjamin surgeon, U.S. Army European American
Howard, John
Howard, Lewis African American (according to emancipation petition)
Howard, Luther May 27, 1842-May 28, 1843
Howard, William E
Howell, Daniel restaurant European American (identified as white in the 1860 census)
Howell, Harvey G. Feb 16, 1863-Feb 17, 1863
Howell, J. D.
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