CASE 110.—M. Walker, a colored servant of the 58th Pennsylvania Volunteers, aged 13 years, was wounded at Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, by a minié ball, which entered on the inner side of the lower third of the right thigh, passed through the popliteal space, injuring the popliteal artery, and making its exit latterly. Twelve days after the reception of the injury he was admitted to Harewood Hospital, Washington. Hæmorrhage to the amount of from three to five ounces took place on June 25th, and was controlled by pressure. On the following day hæmorrhage recurred, and the popliteal artery was ligated by Surgeon R. B. Bontecou, U. S. V., by enlarging the wound of entrance, the patient being under the influence of sulphuric ether. The leg was placed in Smith's anterior splint with a fenestra opposite the wound to facilitate dressing, and a supporting treatment was ordered. The patient exhibited typhoid symptoms with very profuse diarrhœa until death, which occurred July 3, 1864. An autopsy showed that the coats of the artery had been injured by the ball, causing sloughing and the subsequent hæmorrhage. The history was reported by the operator.