CASE 673.—Private W. Kelly, Co. C, 149th New York, aged 30 years, received a shot fracture of the left tibia by a minié ball, at Williamsport, July 11, 1863. He was admitted to Frederick, and subsequently passed through various hospitals, being ultimately discharged from service at Harewood, Washington, June 19, 1865. Surgeon R. B. Bontecou, U. S. V., in charge of the latter hospital, contributed the photograph represented in the annexed cut (FIG. 260), and reported that the patient's disability was total. Examiner G. W. Cook, of Syracuse, N. Y., February 25, 1867, certified to "shot wound of left leg at middle third, fracturing the tibia. A part of the bony substance was removed, leaving a large and extensive excavation, cicatrix, and deformity, with several minute fistulæ. Abscesses frequently form; the knee is stiff and the leg bad." Subsequent examiners report the same description of the injury and its results. The pensioner was paid March 4, 1880.

FIG. 260.—Shot fracture of left tibia. [From a photograph.]