CASE 165.—Sergeant Frank Donohue, Co. A, 17th Pa. Cav., was admitted Feb. 19, 1863, having been sick for two months with typhoid fever. He was completely deaf. On March 1 he had sore throat, severe headache and constipation. On the 15th his stomach became irritable and there was soreness in the bowels with diarrhœa. Later the stools became dark-looking but less frequent. He died on the 25th. Post-mortem examination forty-eight hours after death: Body well developed and not emaciated. The right lung weighed sixteen ounces and a half and the left twenty-one ounces and a quarter; posteriorly the lower lobe of the right lung was full of blackish-brown fluid, which also filled the bronchi; similar appearances were found in spots in the left lung. The heart weighed nine ounces and contained no clots; the aorta was somewhat contracted, deeply congested, and three inches beyond the semilunar valves was a cicatrix-like puckering with intense surrounding congestion. The liver was pale and weighed fifty-eight ounces and a half; the spleen soft, reddened, weighed twelve ounces and a half; the pancreas natural, three ounces and three-quarters; the stomach healthy. The mucous membrane of the upper part of the small intestine was yellowish and presented several roundish ulcers with well-defined edges in Peyer's patches and one patch, a half inch in diameter, enlarged and indurated; lower down the ulcers were more ragged and apparently did not involve Peyer's patches; in the last fifteen inches of the ileum the mucous membrane was of a reddish-slate color, the solitary glands brownish, and there were ragged excoriating ulcers in many of which was a thick yellowish exudation. The mucous membrane of the large intestine was of a dull slate color, presenting one ulcer on the ileo-cæcal valve, one at the commencement of the cæcum and a third four inches beyond. The kidneys were flabby and much congested.—Ass't Surg. Harrison Allen, U. S. A., Lincoln Hospital, Washington, D. C.