Title: Leonard, Gilbert

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion, Part 3, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1888), 265.

Keywords:clinical recordscontinued feversfever cases from various recordsreported as typhoid, many modified by malarial influencetyphoid feverinjury to nervous systemhemiplegia

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e5420

TEI/XML: med.d1e5420.xml

CASE 57.—Hemiplegia.—Private Gilbert Leonard, Co. D, 27th N.Y., was admitted Oct. 30, 1861, having been sick for several weeks with typhoid fever. He had some diarrhœa and cough on admission, but the respiration was natural. On the evening of November 4 the respiration became increased to 26, the tongue dry, the pulse accelerated, and crepitation was detected in the lower part of the right lung. The sputa became streaked with blood on the 5th and rusty on the 6th. On the 9th the patient was very weak and swallowed with difficulty; he was scarcely able to expectorate; he slept with his eyes half open and was unable to speak. He was stronger on the 11th and his bowels were quiet, but the right side of the body was paralyzed. On the 12th he was much stronger and asked for food; his countenance was bright, tongue nearly clean and bowels regular. He gradually rallied from this low condition but the paralysis continued. Strychnia was given on December 1. On Jan. 1, 1862, he was able to walk with a cane; sensation in the arm was much improved but motion was impossible. He was discharged for disability on February 18.—Hospital, Alexandria, Va.