Title: Roland, William

Source text: The Medical and Surgical History of the War of the Rebellion. (1861-65.), Part 2, Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1879), 194.

Keywords:diarrhœa and dysenteryfatal cases of diarrhœa and dysentery, with accounts of the morbid appearances observedfrom the Third Division of the Alexandria Hospital, Virginiachronic diarrhœa, three months durationomentum congestedmesenteric glands enlargedperitoneum of small intestine discoloredulcers near ileo-cæcal valveautopsy performed

Civil War Washington ID: med.d1e41478

TEI/XML: med.d1e41478.xml

Case from the case-book of the THIRD DIVISION of the ALEXANDRIA HOSPITAL, Surgeon Edwin Bentley, U. S. V., in charge:⃰

CASE 475.—Private William Roland, company B, 1st Virginia cavalry; admitted November 2, 1862. Chronic diarrhœa of three months' duration. The patient was very feeble and much emaciated; skin dry; tongue red; abdomen flattened, and tender on pressure. Treatment: Alteratives, astringents and stimulants; warm fomentations to the abdomen. Died, November 28th. Autopsy: The omentum was congested; the mesenteric glands enlarged. The peritoneum of the small intestine was discolored, the mucous coat softened; there were several small ulcers near the ileo-cæcal valve. Liver and spleen slightly enlarged. The mesenteric glands were enlarged. [There is no record of the condition of the large intestine.]

⃰ It is to be regretted that, in most instances, the records of this hospital do not show by whom the autopsies were made. It is known that many of them were made by Surgeon Bentley himself, or under his immediate supervision, but it is only possible to distinguish these from the others in a few cases.